Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 99 - Funcion para su colocación

[La lista de objetos nómadas]
Nomadas is a list of things that varies.
Nomadas is {cajita madera, viejo sombrero rojo, medallon rojo, pergamino rojizo, restos seta, colmillo, fajin rojo}.

[Al empezar el juego cada uno se coloca en alguno de los 'hidden' disponibles, asi como en varias localidades]
When play begins:
    sort Nomadas in random order;
    let N be 0;
    repeat with item running through Nomadas:
        increase N by 1;
        if N is 1:
            move item to Pantano4;
            let RBT be a random bag of tricks;
            if RBT is restos or RBT is arbusto:
                change RBT to shuesos;
            if item is seta and (RBT is manzano or RBT is bulto):
                change RBT to shuesos;
            [say "[item] --> [RBT].";]
            add item to the hidden objects of RBT;